2022 Yankees Aaron Judge Baseball Classics Card Belt AL Record 62 Home Runs?

We Simulated It Over 11 Million Plate Appearances

As you and every MLB fan knows, in the 2022 MLB season New York Yankees, Aaron Judge broke the AL home run record with 62!

We thought you might want to not only see what his Baseball Classics 2022 card looks like, but see if he could repeat that amazing feat.

So we put together an Excel spreadsheet and loaded up the HOME RUN rolls on his Baseball Classics 2022 New York Yankees card (7, 10, and 18) plus the MLB average HOME RUN allowed by AL and NL pitcher’s card (roll of 9 is the 2022 Season MLB average as well as for either the AL or NL).

Aaron Judge had 696 plate appearances in 2022.

Thus, we created a large test simulation that contained 100 each of 696 plate appearances. 696 X 100 = 69,600 plate appearances. Then we created that test 16 times which is 69,600 X 16 = 1,113,600 plate appearances.

However, we didn’t stop there.

We then ran another, much bigger test simulation that contained those 1,113,600 plate appearances X 10 = 11,136,000 plate appearances.

How did Baseball Classics 2022 New York Yankees Aaron Judge next generation player card do?

With those 11+ million plate appearances he averaged 61.4 HOME RUNs per 696 plate appearances. Only off by .1 to reach 62 HOME RUNS!

Here’s one of the 11+M tests we ran, but if you choose, you can run it too.  You can download it here.

With our latest next generation gaming engine development, Baseball Classics can factor all the way to the probability of one millionth player results.  No extra dice, add-on cards, or charts to look up!

We’ve incorporated new algorithms to factor up to that high of a statistical probability for Real-Time Pitching and player result outcomes such as Singles, Double Plays, etc.

No other baseball board game comes close to matching the precision of Baseball Classics statistical accuracy probability for outcomes throughout like we do!  Strat-O-Matic, APBA, and all the others are no match.  We back up our statistical accuracy by demonstrating how our player ratings work and amazingly accurate World Series simulation projections.

BASEBALL CLASSICS: Player Cards Accuracy to the Millionth Percentile

Baseball Classics gives MLB fans 100% confidence they are playing any MLB Teams or Seasons they want that will generate statistically accurate outcomes just like they performed that season.

There’s no other MLB board game on the market that has ever done more rigorous testing and provided proof each and every time.

Enjoy Baseball Classics, order any MLB Teams or Seasons 1901-Present you want!