If you had to guess which teams are the most popular and greatest in Major League Baseball history what would be your guess?  The 1927 New York Yankees likely come to mind, then again the current World Series Champion 2012 San Francisco Giants may as well.  Or what about the Big Red Machine, 1975 Cincinnati Reds?

1975 Cincinnati Reds Team

We have had the great pleasure over the years with a birds eye view over the past 25 plus years, it’s been interesting to see the orders for MLB seasons and teams placed.  The most popular seasons ordered come from present day (2000’s), next are from the 1970’s, and then the 1960’s.  However there are quite a number of orders for MLB seasons and teams from other eras ordered too.  Our #1 best seller all-time is the Baseball Classics All-Time Greats.

We plan to add 4 more Baseball Classics All-Time Greats franchise teams by Thanksgiving this year to our packaged set.  Recently on our Facebook page and through Twitter, we asked for feedback on which teams you would like to see added such as the all-time Houston Colt 45’s-Astros, New York Mets, Texas Rangers, Kansas City Royals, etc.  Share your thoughts below in the comments!

With thousands of Baseball Classics games out there, there must be ten’s of thousands of games played by our customers since 1986.  Some were likely played for fun, perhaps during a camping trip, kitchen table, or at school and forgotten.  Others may have kept track of detailed stats and still have them today.

I always enjoy hearing from our customers and when they share their BC game play and experience, it makes my day as they share their enthusiasm about their experience.  Believe it or not, I have received some heart-warming emails from gents letting me know their fiancée played some BC games with them, so they knew they were marrying the right gal!  And the stories go on…

Introducing Baseball Classics Games Played

Baseball Classics Community, I’ve added a new section to our website called Games Played.  I’m calling out to you to share your game results with us at www.playbaseballclassics.com/games-played.

Submit any game you just played or if you kept track or your past BC game play and would generously enter those results, together we will see which teams are the most dominating and popular of all-time.  Along the way we will capture your special game notes and I’m sure have fascinating stories and results to share!  Running standings will also be posted.  This will help us all to get the word out about the great game we love, Major League Baseball.

By now those of you who know BC well, you know we like to keep it simple and fast, yet detailed and flexible for you.  The Baseball Classics Games Played page has a form with required fields:

  • Your name or initials
  • Visitor and Home teams
  • Winning team
  • Score

Optional fields include winning & losing pitcher, pitcher that recorded a save, special events (no-hitter, hit for the cycle, etc.), and game notes.

Let’s continue to share and grow the Baseball Classics experience. We have an opportunity to share America’s National Past Time with a larger baseball fan base through Baseball Classics next generation game play and learn which MLB teams are the greatest and most popular moving forward!  I wish I would have thought to begin collecting your game play information a long time ago, though no time like now to start collecting this fun and educational information.

Think of the teams everyone will learn about and why they perform so well or those that fall short.  Beginning April 1st, 2013 Baseball Classics will post all the results submitted and generate a Standings for the most popular so you can see where they rank!

Thank you for your great support and being a Baseball Classics customer.  We always love to hear from you, please provide any feedback and suggestions for this new idea in the Comments section below.